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4 Common Springtime Electrical Issues: Are you prepared??
Spring is known for rain, beautiful flowers, new life, and lots of electrical issues. If you are not associating spring with electrical issues already, that might be a problem. Being prepared for these electrical problems can help you minimize the impact. Plugged In Electrical is ready to help you when you have a springtime electrical issue. Be on the lookout for the most common ones. We are standing by to help if you need us!
- Pests—A squirrel building a nest for their babies seems sweet until they build one in your house. Furry friends, including mice, rats, and squirrels, can chew your wiring, which could increase your home’s fire risk. If you hear a pitter patter of little feet, give us a call to check on your wiring. Don’t let a rodent burn your house down!
- High Winds & Hard Rains—April showers bring May flowers, so they say, but they also bring lots of wind and rain. Thunderstorms and heavy rainstorms are very common in the spring. Although the plants love the extra watering, trees can more easily be toppled onto power lines. When a tree falls on a power line, your home could be at risk of a power surge. Whole house surge protection can be a wise choice to protect your home and appliances. If your home is not currently protected, we can implement surge protection before the next storm. Save yourself the shock of a surge and the shock of repair costs! Being proactive with surge protection is cheaper and safer.
- Lightning Strikes—Along with the wind and rain, storms also bring a lot of lightning. If lightning strikes near a power pole or substation, your home could be at risk of damage or a power surge. Lightning might not strike in the same place more than once, but you want to be prepared before it strikes at all. Since you cannot prevent storms, invest in surge protection, or stop angering Zeus.
- Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Detectors—Have you checked your batteries recently? The beeping sound is so obnoxious that risking your home and taking out the battery can be tempting. Smoke detectors are notorious for beeping when their batteries run low and continuing to beep if you have not reset it properly after changing the batteries. If you have changed the batteries and the detector is still chirping and grating upon your last nerve, try these steps. Turn off your smoke detectors at the breaker box. Remove the detector and detach it from the power source. Remove the battery. Hold down the test button for 15 seconds. Reconnect your alarm and put the battery back in. Your ears should get some peace. If your smoke detector is still beeping, give us a call. We can make sure that your smoke detectors are in good working order and stop the incessant chirping.
Grab your umbrella and enjoy the spring season! “Bee” watching out for electrical issues and let us know if you need us to buzz over. Call Plugged In Electrical for all your springtime electrical needs.